Follow our step by step guide to transfer your existing bag into your Naked frame

Get your existing SCOTRIA bag and place it so that you can access the two base knots. Undo both the base knots and remove the whole silicone piece.
Your pouch is now loose and can be removed from your existing frame. Put it to the side.

Place your bag back to It’s standing position. Undo the silicone knot which is to the right of the SCOTRIA logo. Pull the silicone through until you are able to remove the leather/textile handle.
Repeat this step on the opposite side of the bag to release the second handle.

Get your new SCOTRIA Naked Frame and place it so that you can access the two base knots.Undo one base knot and pull through so that you can thread through the holes in your pouch. Make sure the drawstring of your pouch is facing the same side as the handle knots.
Feed silicone through the remaining plexiglass hole, attaching the pouch by re-knotting on the outer side of plexiglass.

Place your bag back to standing position. Undo the silicone knot which is the SCOTRIA logo. Pull the silicone through until you are able to feed the handle onto the silicone.
Feed the silicone back through the plexiglass hole and knot it as it was. Make sure the knot is on the outside.Repeat Step 4 on the opposite side of the bag to attach the second handle. Et voila! Your re-constructed, refreshed bag.

PLEASE NOTE: , when knotting and unknotting the silicone, do not pull on the caps directly.
The Alibi Bag plays on an exhibitionist ‘nothing to hide’ approach to a handbag.
DHL Fashion Potential Award
We are so happy to announce that we have been nominated as one of 4 amazing finalists for the DHL Fashion Potential Award.
GO! Bag
The Go! Bag is SCOTRIA’s ‘all you need’ bag.